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File Created: 26-Jun-2013 by Nicole Barlow (NB)
Last Edit:  12-May-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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BCGS Map 093L057
Status Prospect NTS Map 093L10E
Latitude 054º 31' 27'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 44' 25'' Northing 6044200
Easting 646248
Commodities Molybdenum, Copper, Gold, Rhenium Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Quartz Breccia zone is part of the Lone Pine property, located approximately 45 kilometres southeast of Smithers or about 14 kilometres north of Houston.

The Lone Pine property area is primarily underlain by a sequence of northwesterly striking andesitic flows and pyroclastics, with lesser rhyolite and basalts, of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group). Some minor sedimentary rocks of the Upper Jurassic Bowser Lake Group have been noted to be present in discrete locales, and these are typically argillites, quartzite, and greywackes with local calcareous content. All of the aforementioned rocks are altered or hornfelsed, proximal to the contacts of intrusive rocks of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite that outcrop in the southern and western portions of the property, and which may underlie a thin veneer of hornfels elsewhere. In the northern Quartz Breccia zone the hornfels is chloritic, exhibiting a greenish hue, while in the Alaskite zone (093L 028) the hornfels are compact and biotitic. It was estimated (ca. 1987) that the area of hornfels alteration covers an area of approximately 2000 by 2500 metres. In 1984, a trachytic flow on the upper plateau of Mineral Hill was reported to resemble the Tertiary Goosly Lake Volcanics which have been mapped elsewhere in the general area.

On the property the principal intrusive rocks are a porphyritic quartz monzonite (referred to in the literature as “quartz feldspar porphyry”), and the lesser alaskite to the south, and finally a diorite intrusive rock is noted to the east of the Mineral Hill area which is to the east of the Alaskite zone. Local aplitic and monzonitic dikes are found in the area of the quartz monzonite stock.

A mineralized breccia (Quartz Breccia zone) with siderite cement has been noted to have been formed locally on the property near the northern margin of the main intrusive body. Quite often around the margins of the intrusions drillholes intersected alternating hornfels, and intrusive rocks of varying types. This pattern may be the result of dikes forming on the periphery of the intrusion, apophyses, sills, or possibly even large xenoliths (if hornfelsing can be shown to be a product of earliest intrusion) of hornfelsed sedimentary or volcano-sedimentary rock.

It has been postulated (ca. 1987) that as a result of increased brittleness due to contact metamorphism, and fracturing due to forcible emplacement by one or more phases of intrusive, the hornfels became a permissive host for fracture controlled vein emplacement and local disseminated molybdenum/copper mineralization.

The Lone Pine property is classified as a low fluorine porphyry molybdenum deposit. These deposits are characterized by stockworks of molybdenite-bearing quartz veinlets and fractures in intermediate to felsic rocks and associated country rocks.

The Quartz Breccia zone consists of hornfelsed hostrock that is highly fragmented in places and is crosscut by a complex series of quartz veins and veinlets. Some of the coarser, pegmatitic veins host chalcopyrite and molybdenite, while other quartz veins host only molybdenum. Molybdenite also occurs in the quartz-siderite cement, in the brecciated andesite or as thin films along chloritic fractures.

Bard Ventures Ltd. conducted induced polarization (IP) surveys and drilling in 2007 and 2008. Highlights include drillhole BD-07-2, which intersected 489.4 metres grading 0.07 per cent molybdenum (Press Release - Bard Ventures Ltd., March 9, 2007). In 2008, Bard Ventures Ltd. completed diamond drilling on the Lone Pine property. Highlights include drillhole BDQ-08-04, which intersected 188.27 metres grading 0.54 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 30735).

For full property history and regional geology, see Lone Pine (093L 028).

EMPR AR 1914-227; 1924-98; 1925-141; 1926-137; 1927-138; 1965-75, 109-112,Fig. 10; 1966-102; 1967-107
EMPR EXPL 1975-E142; 1976-E149; 1977-E195; 1978-E219; 1981-6; 1983-445; 1988-C171
EMPR GEOLOGY 1977-1981, pp. 125-127,Fig. 41
EMPR OF 1994-14
EMPR INF CIRC *2011-1, pp. 21,25; 2012-1, pp. 18,19
GSC BULL 270, p. 73
GSC OF 351
PR REL Bard Ventures Ltd. Mar.*9, 2007, Oct.23, Nov.4,19, Dec.*15, 2008, Jan.9,*13,20,*22, 2009, Jan.14,*26, Apr.1, May *5, 2010, Feb.*17, Mar.*4, *Sept.6,9,19,22, 2011, Jun.*7, 2012, Feb.*25, 2013
Puritch, E., Rodgers, K. (2011-03-01): Technical Report and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Lone Pine Project